When you have a lot of Inventories, Reports2Go will save you time

Reports2Go is a free app that anybody can download from Google Play or the App Store to a mobile or tablet and use when carrying out inspections of tenanted properties. Whether you are a landlord with a lot of properties or a managing agent looking after many landlords, carrying out inventory checks is an essential but nonetheless time-consuming job which has to be done on a regular basis. Additionally, you should undertake a check-in report, a check-out at the end of tenancy report and mid-term checks whilst the tenancy is in progress.

The frequency of mid-term checks is a matter of preference: some agents think once a year is enough, others every six months usually most will start with the first after three months and then continue with their regular interval. Whatever the interval, these checks can take up a lot of time, so anything that you can do to speed up the process has to be a benefit.

Reports2Go can be used in two ways. You can use it in text mode and enter observations using the keyboard as you go from room to room. Our Intelligent Keyboard Engine (IKETM) makes helpful suggestions for the descriptions. The report will be ready to download when you are back at the office. This is miles better than having to use a clip board and biro! With the pen and paper method, you still have to type up and prepare the report when back. Effectively, you are doing the work twice. With the Reports2Go app you simply upload it to our servers and in a few minutes it will be available in your portal.

If you prefer, you can use the audio mode. It’s like using your phone/tablet as a Dictaphone. It reduces time spent at the property. Of course, you do have to type up the report when you get back to the office. Our portal supports a mode where all the recorded audio is presented in convenient interface that allows you to listen and play faster/slower while you type.

Better still, if you use audio mode and have a lot of inventories to carry out you can let our staff type up your reports for you for a small fee. This leaves you free to carry out inventories and you will get all your reports typed up, saving you a considerable amount of time.

Dan, 06 December 2019
When you have a lot of Inventories, Reports2Go will save you time

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