The Check-in Process in the Reports Cycle

If you have followed our Reports2Go Inventory App 'How to do an Inventory' series in this blog, then we might have whetted your appetite for what else is possible. Well, more reports are possible!

Having completed the inventory, the next likely requirement is going to be the check-in report . This is, in normal circumstances, something that done with the tenant present. (this is being written during the Covid19 Pandemic and You will have normally supplied the inventory report ahead of time to the tenant and at check-in, the idea is to go over the essentials in the property:

  • Location of meters and taking an up-to-date reading
  • Location of the alarms and performing a test to ensure working order
  • Location of the consumer unit
  • Location of the stopcock
  • Pointing out the parking space if it is allocated in a common block, and
  • Location of the bin store

Some these are not absolutely but if known, can be a great help to the new tenant. Meter readings are required. Don’t omit the internal heat meter if present.

A note should be made of the keys handed over to the tenant, these will be required back at the end of the tenancy and the need to be recorded at this time.

Once a walk through is completed the document should be signed off.

It is a good idea to give the tenant some opportunity to provide an update to the report if they notice issues once they have moved in. Usual practice is to allow around 5 working days for updates. You would expect a photo and some comments. With the Reports2Go inventory app, it’s easy to add photographs using the edit facility.

Panos, 20 November 2020
The Check-in Process in the Reports Cycle

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