Our Dictation Software makes creating Inventory Reports so much faster

Some of the most time-consuming jobs for landlords and letting agents are those of property reports: inventories, check-in, check-out reports, and interim inspections. It can be bad enough when a property is let unfurnished, but if it is furnished, the amount of time that it can take to carry out an inspection can expand exponentially.

This is because you have to check not only the condition of walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, and so on, but also every last item of furniture, appliances, carpets and curtains, etc. Not only does it take a lot of time to do all this, but you also have to write your notes, take photographs, record meter readings and so on.

Then when you have finally done all that, you have to go back to your office and type everything up.

However, today there is a far better way of carrying out inventory and interim inspections and that is by using the app which we provide at Reports2Go. This app will make taking inventory a doddle. Well, perhaps not quite a doddle, but certainly a whole lot easier, and the whole process can be carried out so much faster. Not only that, but the Reports2Go app is free to use!

You can simply download our app to your mobile or your tablet. It is available on the App Store or on Google Play Store. Once installed, you can then use it in one of two ways, whichever you prefer.

In text mode you go through the property as you would with a notepad and biro, but in this case, you type up your notes as you go. The app will give you prompts as you go through the property so that you don’t miss things out. So, it will remind you to check the light fittings, switches, power sockets, walls, doors, paintwork, wallpaper, and so on.

The app also allows you to take photos as you go, so if there is a cut in the arm of a sofa or a chip on a side table, you can photograph it as well so that there can be no arguments about it. Once you have finished your inspection you simply upload the media to your portal on our server, and within a few minutes your report will have been automatically generated and ready to download.

Audio Mode

However, our app can also be used as dictation software. When you switch to audio mode it lets you dictate your comments as you go. So, you can just say “scratch on bathroom door paintwork”, take a photo of it, and just keep going. Imagine just how fast that is. If you are a letting agent or an inventory clerk, you can just go from one property to the next and keep recording.

When you have finished all your notes with our dictation software, you simply upload to your portal on our server. It will then be ready to download so that you can type it up when you get back to the office. Better still, you can have our staff type it up for you for a small fee, so that all you have to do is keep on carrying out inspections.

Panos, 18 March 2022
Our Dictation Software makes creating Inventory Reports so much faster

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