Our App saves a huge amount of time carrying out Inventories

One of the most time-consuming tasks when you run a letting agency is that of carrying out Inventories, Check-in reports, Check-out reports, and Periodic or Mid-term inspections. Yet these are, of course, vital from both your landlords’ and tenants’ points of view. And it is also vital that such inspections are carried out correctly and do not miss out any details.

There is always the choice that you might want to have a third-party inventory clerk or company handle that report cycle for you. But now that charges for such services cannot be passed on to the tenant, it may be more economic for you to undertake the reports yourself even if that requires a dedicated member of staff. In case you are a landlord, it may be that you want to do these to save costs or to stay better in touch with your properties.

Either way, in order to ensure that your inventory is correct and doesn’t miss anything, you can use the free inventory app that we provide at Reports2Go. This will not only save you a considerable amount of time but will also make certain that your inventory is complete and contains all the information that it should.

Traditionally, inventory clerks have walked around a property with a notepad and pen, making notes on everything as they go from one room to another. Then it is a question of going back to the office and typing everything up. However, taking inventory this way is very prone to errors, and also takes up a lot of time. It is just so easy to miss things.

However, using our free inventory app will speed up the whole process and also means that you won’t miss things. Our app is available on the App Store and also on Google Play. All that you do is to download it to your mobile or tablet, and once you have done that there are two ways in which you can use it, according to your own preference.The app can be used in text mode and the way that you do that is to simply type everything into the app as you go using the device’s keyboard. So if there is a scratch on the paintwork of the door in the dining room, you simply note it as you go around that room.

Our Algorithm gives you Prompts as You Go

But the really clever part about our inventory app is that it gives you prompts as you go. We have developed IKE™ (Intelligent Keyboard Engine) that knows about different parts of a room to be included in an inventory such as the condition of the ceiling, walls, curtains etc and will prompt you with suitable words once you start typing. Along with IKE™, our app also prompts you to cover everything in each room to make sure everything is covered.

Features developed with real users in mind

Our app has been in development since 2008! Over that time we have added some really useful features such as quick surveys to cover the state of the property and appliances. There is separate appliance section to bring all items into one easy to reach section. We have a maintenance section where all works that need to be carried out are placed in a form easy to hand over to a maintenance company.

There are a number of other features to make the take easier and deliver an accurate report.


Now, when you have completed your inventory it’s a simple process to be able to see the report. There is a final checklist to make sure you have ticked everything off. You upload the report media to our servers and by logging into our portal, you will be able to access the report in PDF form a few minutes later. You can print it off or send the PDF by email.

Using Text-mode you can prepare any report for free, but we also offer some paid features such as adding your logo and Terms and Condition.

We have also got Pay Ahead Plans for making one payment lasting a week, month or year, giving unlimited number of reports with all paid-for features covered.

Dan, 23 April 2021
Our App saves a huge amount of time carrying out Inventories

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