What Happens When a Schedule of Condition isn't Carried Out Properly?

In the world of property management, a schedule of condition is a valuable document that serves as a baseline record of a property's condition at a specific point in time. This document is typically created before the start of a tenancy agreement, providing a detailed account of the property's state.

However, not all landlords and property managers conduct a schedule of condition properly, leading to various consequences and challenges.

Disputes with Tenants

Without a schedule of condition, there is no documented record of the property's condition at the beginning of a tenancy.

This absence of evidence can easily lead to disagreements between tenants and property managers or landlords regarding the property's state, making it difficult to determine who is responsible for any subsequent damage or deterioration.

Delayed Dispute Resolution

When disputes arise over property conditions, the lack of a schedule of condition can also prolong the resolution process.

Although issues may be resolved eventually, a lack of concrete and mutually verified evidence of the property's state could lead to longer negotiations or even lengthy legal proceedings in some cases.

Increased Costs

Parties involved in property management may incur higher costs due to the absence of a schedule of condition. This can range from a delay in accessing funds from a deposit, as well as expenses related to legal consultations.

A Deterioration of Tenant-Landlord Relations

Without detailed property reports documenting the condition of the rental unit at the beginning and end of the tenancy, disputes may arise regarding existing damages, wear and tear, or maintenance issues. This can lead to disagreements over the responsibility for repairs and renovations, potentially causing tension between the landlord and tenant.

Without clear and detailed property reports, there may be misunderstandings or miscommunication between the landlord and tenant regarding the agreed-upon terms, conditions, or responsibilities outlined in the tenancy agreement.

Missed Opportunities for Property Repairs

Property owners who fail to conduct a schedule of condition may miss the chance to address maintenance and repair issues promptly. This can lead to more extensive and costly problems down the line.

Try Our Free Schedule of Condition Software

It’s in the best interest of all parties involved to prioritise the creation of a clear and comprehensive schedule of conditions to protect the rights and interests of landlords, property managers and tenants alike.

Our property management app, which includes a free schedule of condition tool, is designed to ensure you never suffer from the lack of an accurate report during the process of leasing out a property.

Panos, 17 November 2023
What Happens When a Schedule of Condition isn't Carried Out Properly

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