Inventory Clerk App

It often was the case that to carry out an inventory for a property ahead of rental, an inventory clerk had to carry a pen, notebook and a camera to conduct a property inventory. Invariably this meant a great deal of work at the premises and then back at the office to compose the report. Report composition consisted of typing up written notes and the adding photographs from the camera into a Word document. Most clerks had to quote for a turnaround time measuring in days.

Today with an inventory clerk app an iOS or Android device can rid all of the paraphernalia and simply go onsite, capture room descriptions and add photographs as required. There are many different types of inventory clerk app available. Some providers offer a free inventory clerk app with paid features, others require a monthly or yearly subscription with some number of reports included in the subscription fee. There are payment plans to suit all.

Depending on the inventory clerk app the set of facilities varies enormously. Some are very basic when selecting the free inventory app features. To gain access to the more complex features, some form of payment is needed.

Reports2Go offers a free inventory clerk app that is feature rich and allows a very professional looking as well as comprehensive report to be generated. The free inventory app permits inventories, check-ins and checkouts to be carried out. Using the free inventory clerk app is very easy. Once a ‘job’ has been created (inventory, check-in or check-out), the clerk can simply walk through the property, add rooms as they encounter them and add text descriptions for items in the room. The free inventory app guides the user through all expected descriptions, for example, ceiling, floor, windows, curtains, walls etc. to ensure that no important items are missed. An intelligent, predictive keyboard makes suggestions as to the next word when adding a description. There are useful at-a-glance surveys for the overall condition of the property and appliances.