How to Deliver the Findings of an Inventory Report to Your Tenant

Delivering the findings of a check-out or inventory report to your tenant is a critical step in ensuring transparency and a smooth tenancy. Below are some best practices on how to effectively communicate and follow up on inventory report findings to prevent unnecessary conflict.

Schedule a Formal Meeting

If possible, schedule an in-person meeting with your tenant to go over the inventory report. If this is not possible, communicate to them that you are available for any follow-up questions after you have delivered the final report.

Letting them know that there is a way for them to have their input and clear up any misunderstandings can help to reduce the chance of individuals feeling they have been accused of damage they did not cause, or that the report does not factor in the right details.

Give Your Tenants Time to Review the Report

Giving your tenants a chance to review the inventory report in advance of any requests for deposit deductions is crucial. Offering them ample time to check the contents and understand the process can reduce the likelihood of conflict.

It can also be useful to conduct a walk-through of the property together, pointing out any issues, discrepancies, or damages that are noted in the inventory report. Encourage your tenant to add their observations as well.

Clarify Responsibility, not Blame

While it is necessary to clearly state who is responsible for each item or issue listed in the inventory report, framing this as blame is not helpful. Most tenants will not intentionally damage or remove items from a property and accusatory language can lead to arguments. If the report identifies any necessary repairs or maintenance, try to be fair and respectful in how you discuss the costs and timelines for addressing these issues. Ensure your tenant is aware of when and how these tasks will be completed.

If any repair work will incur costs, share estimates with your tenants first. A quote from a contractor is often useful proof of costs, or an itemised breakdown of how much materials are likely to add up to.

Agree on Next Steps

Reach a mutual agreement on the next steps. This might include a schedule for repairs, an update on maintenance responsibilities, or a summary of how much money will be deducted from their deposit if they are moving out of the property.

Document the Meeting

Keep a record of the meeting and any agreements reached. This can be invaluable if disputes arise at a later stage. After the meeting, send your tenant a summary of the discussions and agreements.

Keep Detailed Records

Always maintain detailed records of all communication, reports, and agreements throughout the tenancy. Digital solutions like our inventory report tool can help with this—providing a central and efficient hub for storing all information relating to the property’s inventory management.

Dan, 03 November 2023
How to Deliver the Findings of an Inventory Report to Your Tenant

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