The Perfect Inventory App for Landlords

The Perfect Inventory App for Landlords

One of the most important things that you need to do as a landlord is to carry out inventory, check-in, mid-term, and check-out reports on the condition of every property that you let, and any contents where appropriate.

This is because you are entitled to claim reparation from your tenant’s deposit if the tenant has caused any damage to your property or contents that is over and above fair wear and tear. Things like carpets do suffer from wear and tear over time. Curtains can be damaged by UV light. Seating can gradually sink down as years progress.

However, damage that is caused by the tenant such as a wine stains on a carpet, a dent in wall plasterboard, or a lost key are not fair wear and tear, and so you can claim.

If you use a letting agent, that agent will probably include inventory for you as a part of the service they provide, although some letting agents don’t, but will offer the service using a third-party inventory clerk who does inventory for property owners as a full-time job.

However, if you are like some other landlords, you may wish to run your property letting business as a full-time concern, and in this case, you will probably want to carry out your inventory yourself, together with all the necessary mid-term checks. Each rental inventory gives a fully detailed report on the condition of each property at the beginning of the tenancy along with its contents.

Ideally, the Tenant should be present

Ideally, when you let a property, you should carry out the check-in report with the tenant present. This can save a lot of arguments later on, because you can both agree upon the condition of everything at the outset. However, the tenant may not be able to be present on the day, and in this case, you have to prepare the report and supply the tenant with a copy as soon as they move in and allow a few days for then to check it over and either agree with it and sign it or report anything with which they disagree or which you may have missed.

This is one of the issues with inventory and check-in and check-out reports. Unless you have been doing inventory for a long time, it is very easy to miss things. This is why many full-time inventory clerks use the inventory app which we provide at Reports2Go because it gives you prompts as you go through your property in order to ensure that you don’t miss anything.

The good thing about our app from your point of view is that it is completely free to download and use. You can download it from the App Store or Google Play to your mobile or tablet.

Not only is it free to use, but you can use our inventory app in two different modes, so you can choose whichever you prefer. If you choose to use it in text mode, you can simply type up your notes on your mobile or tablet as you go through the property. As we said, it will give you prompts to check on specific things as you go. When you have completed the check, all you do is upload it to a portal on our server, and then in a few minutes it will be ready for you to download.

Alternatively, you can use the app in audio mode, in which case you simply dictate your notes into the app. When you have finished, you upload it to the portal and then you can type it up when you get back to your office. Better still, our team will type it up for you for a small fee.

Gary, 17 December 2021
The Perfect Inventory App for Landlords

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