How to Carry out an Inventory Quickly, Accurately, and Easily

An up to date inventry at the start of the tenancy sets a good step for the tenancy to run its term successfully. All to often due to procrastination or lack of a proper reports handling process, this crucial document is rushed or put together incorrectly especially when there are many properties to manage or time is short. All to of this is exacerbated when you are a managing agent looking after many properties for a large number of landlord clients. With recent changes in the fee structure, there is often to bring these processes in house or if you are landlord, to undertake them yourself.

Now, doing an inventory in the traditional manner with a clipboard, pad, pen and camera, can easily take an hour or two on site for each property followed by yet more hours back at base composing the report. Clear impractical for even a small number of properties.

Completing inventory properly is a skilled and many professional inventory clerks are members of the trade associations such as propertymark or the Association of Independent Inventory Clerks , having taken the appropriate training and exams, so that you can be assured they have the necessary skills.

Many inventory clerks today use the free inventory app that we have produced at Reports2Go not only for the the sheer number of inventories that they are required to carry out but also because the app helps to make inventories more complete and forms the basis of a report cycle. The inventory is the start, followed by a check-in report , a mid-term report and finally a check-out report . The app environment we provide also stores the reports online and makes them easily accessible.

Our app also makes it easy to conduct and inventory. You build up the house, creating all the rooms that exist along with any external garden space and outbuildings. Important constituents such as alarms, meters etc are set up by default.

In each room, you are invited to describe items section by section starting with the ceiling and working your way down via the walls, curtains, light fittings etc. to the floor. In each section you are prompted to enter the description of common items. We have a built-in predictive keyboard with its Intelligent Keyboard Engine™ that helps get a description completed. Common items such as the same type of door can be easily copied into other rooms. You can import pictures from your own gallery or use the built-in camera. Pictures can be tagged with specific comments.

There is a helpful survey section and a single method of capturing all appliances. You can add your signature and those of the tenants if they are present.

Once you have completed the descriptions, you upload them to our portal and the completed report will be ready to download in a few minutes. You can customise the report with your own Ts and Cs and logo for a small optional fee.

The app is free to download, so if you need to take inventory, even if only occasionally, it won’t cost you anything to use and will save you a lot of time. Your reports will look professionally produced and each subsequent time, you will improve as you discover more capabilities of the app.

Gary, 21 August 2020
How to Carry out an Inventory Quickly, Accurately, and Easily

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