A Completely Free App to Speed Up Inventories

To anyone outside the lettings industry, taking inventory may seem an easy job. It’s just a case of just getting a clipboard and walking from one room to the next making a note of things as you go. That’s it, isn’t it?

Well, of course, as an insider you will know that it isn’t as simple as that. We wish! There is a lot more to taking inventory and taking it accurately than meets the eye. A whole section of industy exists in the form of inventory companies who take their instructions form mainly letting agents but now increasingly from landlords directly too.

Quite a number of letting agents prefer to outsource their inventory because of the amount of time it can take doing it in-house. When you are managing 300 or 400 properties, doing inventory is a full-time job for someone, so outsourcing it may be the best option. Many inventory clerks are members of a professional body such as the Association of Independent Inventory Clerks or ARLA Propertymark Inventories both of which run training courses and offer a qualification/accreditation route. In addition, both organisations need members to carry indemnity insurance so letting agents can handover work with peace of mind.

Whether you outsource your inventory or undertake it yourself, a very useful tool is our app which you can download from the App Store or from Google Play for free. The Reports2Go app is installed on your mobile or tablet and guides you through each room making sure that no items are missed. Indeed, at the end of the inventory a checklist is executed in order to ensure that you have covered everything. It is rather like having a free inventory clerk double-checking everything for you.

You can use the Reports2Go app in either text mode or audio mode. With the text mode there is a custom predictive text keyboard used to type descriptions and conditions. The predictive algorithm provides suggestions for each section – doors, windows, and so on.

In audio mode, you dictate your notes quickly and accurately, adding photos as you go. When done, you upload it to our portal, and you can then type it up yourself or have our staff do it for you.

Dan, 05 February 2020
A Completely Free App to Speed Up Inventories

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