Using Dictation Software for your Tenancy Reports

Not everyone is a fan of typing into a mobile app or onto an iPad or tablet. Different landlords and inventory clerks work in different ways. That is why some prefer utilising dictation as a way of noting down information during:

  • Initial inventory
  • Check-in
  • Check out
  • Periodic property inspections
How does it work?

Free dictation software can be used to quickly complete any reports you need to do related to a tenancy. You can utilise the power of dictation software and then either self-transcribe or instruct your software provider to type up the report on your behalf.

Ideally, you will want to use free dictation software that is simple to use. For example, you can speak into your smartphone if it has software like Siri on an iPhone or Google’s Genie and use it in conjunction with your property inventory software. All you do is press the microphone icon on your keyboard. Instead of typing in the description, you speak it, and the free dictation software converts it to text at the speed of the spoken voice. It’s faster than typing.

A typical example of what you might include in each room is a brief description of the flooring, fittings e.g., bathroom and kitchen fittings such as sink, taps, pedestal, mirror, and conditions of walls and skirtings.

Dictation software will capture your dictated speech convert it there and then to text and make it available for review. You’ll need an active internet connection to make on-board free dictation software work.

There is an alternative too, which is to use pure audio recordings on your device and then, once you have left the property, you can type your audio files and write up your report, or you can use a transcription company to transcribe it for you.

How can I ensure that audio quality will be good?

Gone are the days of old-fashioned dictation tape where you’d hear muffled sounds, background noise and so on. Improvements to technology mean that on-board speech recognition in dictation software is excellent. Recordings of pure audio for later transcription are also clear and easy to type up.

Make life easier with Dictation Software

Use dictation to speed up your tenancy reporting processes. Our free property inspection software allows you to easily record your observations during inspections and save time. In addition, our dictation software offers unlimited audio descriptions, and if you ask us to transcribe your audio, we charge per bedroom.

Find out more about Reports2Go, our template reports, and dictation software and signup with us for free today.

Dan, 29 July 2022
Using Dictation Software for your Tenancy Reports

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