The Reasons why you should carry out a Mid-Tenancy Inspection

For any landlord, carrying out a mid-tenancy report is not the most enviable of tasks, yet is one that it is vital to do. This is for two reasons. First, it enables you to check on the condition of the property and check that everything is in good working order. It is a fact of life that not all tenants will report things that go wrong until they become much more expensive to repair, so it is best to catch things early, and a mid-term check enables you to do just that. The other thing that it does is to check that your tenants are keeping within the terms of the tenancy agreement.

The Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 Section 11 allows you to enter the property at reasonable times of day. You must give the tenant 24 hours written notice of any inspection, and if someone other than yourself or your agent is going to carry out the inspection that person must have written permission.

Obviously, the main object of a mid-tenancy report is that it gives you the opportunity to spot anything which may need attention either inside or out. As we said, tenants often won’t report a small issue, or for that matter they may not even notice something such as tiles that have slipped on the roof, for example, or a bunged-up drain.

At the same time, you have the opportunity to assess your tenant’s living conditions. It may be that you would not want to renew the tenancy when the fixed term comes to an end. Another thing that many landlords don’t really consider is that it gives you the chance to get to know your tenants better and chat about the weather, or whatever. This can have a beneficial effect because a tenant with good communications with the landlord is less likely to up sticks and leave. We all want good tenants who pay the rent on time and take care of the property.

What Should You Be Looking For?

One of the most important things to look for in a BTL is mould and dampness. These are often overlooked by tenants because they don’t realise how serious it can be. It is always worth looking around the windows and sinks, and also checking the pipework hidden in kitchen units. Pay special attention to rooms that are prone to damp such as bathrooms and kitchens. Also check any extractor fans. It is also a good idea to run all the taps and check for leaks.

It goes without saying that you need to check smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Smoke alarms often get clogged with dust, so it is worth giving them a quick clean up, if you can, along with a check of its working status.

In addition, you need to check the outside walls, gutters, drainpipes, and drains to ensure that everything is in good order, as you are legally required to do under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 Section 11.

As you make these mid-term inspections it is necessary to create a report of anything that needs attention, and of any wear and tear where things might need replacing, such as a carpet. In order to do this, the easiest way is to download our free app to your mobile or tablet. This allows you to type up your notes as you go through the property. Mid-term inspections are very easy to do with Reports2Go and follow the form of a survey. Try it out!

Gary, 24 December 2021
The Reasons why you should carry out a Mid-Tenancy Inspection

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