What are Periodic Inspections and what do they entail?

If you make your income through renting out one or several properties, the upkeep of those properties is vital. But, unfortunately, with each tenancy, you leave that precious resource in the hands of people you probably don’t know very well.

However, you and your tenants benefit from a smooth tenancy where the property doesn’t suffer any damages. That’s because, at the end of the lease period, tenants want their full security deposit returned to them, and the landlord wants to be sure the property is in good condition for the next tenancy.

Periodic inspections help Landlords and tenants stay on one page and can help prevent issues further down the line. Here’s what a routine inspection entails and why they are so important.

What does a Periodic Inspection entail?

A period inspection is a scheduled visit to a tenanted property. This is a chance for you to check the property's condition against the initial inventory and create a mid-tenancy report.

In other words, you should go through each room and record:
Changes made to the property or fixtures

  • Mould or water damage
  • Broken appliances
  • Damage to doors, windows, fences
  • Marks or scratches on walls and furniture
  • Meter readings
  • Whether all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are working

You should refer to the initial check-in report to directly compare and see if changes have occurred. You should have a device to take pictures along the way.

Why Do Periodic Inspections Matter?
Periodic inspections are essential both for the tenants and the landlord. While you might feel like you’re intruding on the tenant's privacy, it is often worthwhile for both parties to schedule inspections every three or six months.

Periodic inspections help you determine if the tenants are looking after the property. This can help get an early impression of whether you’d rent the property to the same tenants again. It can also help identify early issues, such as dampness or mould, which might only get far worse if left alone.

A periodic inspection is also a chance to inform tenants of anything that needs to be put right before the tenancy. Therefore, it gives them adequate time to complete any repairs and enjoy their total deposit. It’s also an opportunity for tenants to bring up maintenance issues that might be your responsibility to fix.

Things to keep in mind
Some tenants feel that a periodic inspection is an intrusion, especially if they have to tidy up for your visit. You have to give written notice of your visit at least 24hrs ahead of time. Choose a time that suits both parties. You may also have to make allowances for a disorderly home. After all, untidiness does not necessarily mean any damage is being dealt with the property. The inspection should be a relaxed affair. Encourage tenants to communicate any issues they might have at this opportunity to make it a two-way conversation.

If you're worried about an agitated tenant, you might wish to take an agent with you or have an inventory clerk complete the inspection.

Streamline the process with Free Periodic Inspection software
Periodic inspections add helpful details to your property inventory and help you look back over the tenancy at the end of the lease. However, this means data can become harder to organise.

With our free periodic inspection software, you can easily record and sort away your observations and immediately record photos in the right place. This allows you to track what has changed, when, and how. Then, by the end of the tenancy, you can quickly check back over your initial inventory and all subsequent inspections.

Check out Reports2Go and sign up for free today!

Dan, 17 June 2022
What are Periodic Inspections and what do they entail?

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